Monday, 13 September 2010

I have completed my first homework assignment, not too shabby!  Possibly not on the day I intended but still not the night before its due in.  Even though it is not part of our grade, I still wanted to give it 100%, start as I mean to go on etc.
I quite enjoyed it actually.  It was about University Fee's and I will post it here after we have handed them in.  Any and all feedback will be welcome, thats why Im at learn.

Quick update on the kittens.............Aaaaaaah!

Seriously, they are fine, getting fat and wiggling about, climbing all over their mommy to fall asleep in unnatural positions.  The beige one is going to be trouble, I can tell.  It is the squealinest, fightenist kitten ever.  If it were a child, it would be a brat, but as they are my babies...they are adorable.  My nephew of 6 years old managed to get here in time to watch one of them being born last week.  Not too sure how he felt about that but he was certainly amused by the mess.

I regularly go on Plenty of Fish. Mostly because I like being fancied and it boosts my ego. However, I now have a right nut job messaging me who has a grump on just because I won't meet him.  I am 6 foot and he is 5 foot 8 inches.  I am not shallow but do have a bad back and those 4 inches are a killer to me!   Not only that, the guy just dosent seem wired up right. So, in the interests of being a rotten sod, Im pasting his messages on here so that you too can have a giggle.

This is the first after I said he was too short...

try something different ,
beauty is not related to tall, is related to harmony mind and body
as you can see on my photo I have a perfect shape
5.8-6 = 2
for 2 inch you refuse to be happy?
ok, not too bad
he is french by the way

second message after I said its 4 inches not 2

is 2 inch not 4

you wear heels fine I like it
a man as a woman is more than inch ....
what about sex, do is related to size?
what about conversation taller are more intelligent?
what about Friendship do the size of heart is related to the size
of our body?
what about intelligence to the brain are related to the color of
hair , of course not, only peoples programmed by society stereo
type believe that blond are not intelligent
blond are very intelligent like everybody when they are open to
new ideas....
do you fell more about with tall person, or more with a person
with who you have a good time out and in,
when you walk in street , do you choice a man for you, or a man
for the peoples who are looking you?
I am fit body and mind as you can see sweety
if you go more far than your limitation, and spend few time with
me out , or better be close and intimate you will never look man
like before....
Kiss you all over pretty Darling

Is it just me, or is that a bit creepy?  I have no argument with his argument, of course inteligence, conversation and friendship should not be based on height or appearance, but this is a man who signs off saying kiss you all over??? 
Also, for a man who believes that height and appearance are immaterial, why does his profile have a pic of his body but no head?
Or, again, I could just be the worlds unkindest bitch!
Oh, and for any guys reading this, the answer to line 4? YES!

In the interests of being an unkind bitch.....just wait til I post some of the messages I get from overseas!

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