Saturday 4 September 2010

Hello, well its gone!  The guy came to pick up the tv this morning.  I had said that as it weighs so much, you will need to bring someone to help you lift it.  He did.  His 7 year old son. Plonker! I almost felt sorry for him as I watched him struggle to carry it to his car. Almost but not quite.  I am a horrible person!

So, tonight is my first night without a zombie box to suck my creativity and soul away.
I had a fun day at work, bought a shopful of cat food then came home to a gorgeous takeaway from my absolute favourite indian restraunt, Zaal.  Oh boy their food is fabulous.

Oh and you will never guess! I planned on going to WHSmiths after work to buy the Tempest for class, and it only flippin well got donated at the shop, woo hoo!  Considerably cheaper than new, and... no being tempted in the book shop!!!

Completely off subject a moment. Yes; I am that crazy cat lady that smug married people talk about not quite quietly!  Anyhoo..... my Suki Puss has started to bring moths and spiders into the living room and proceed to eat them on my new cream carpet.  As a buhddist, I have a moral problem with it, kinda...after all she is a cat and that is what they do, but as a neurotically tidy person, I have a big problem with the fact that she never seems to eat the legs and I am frequently coming into the living room in the mornings to find hairy spider legs scattered willy nilly on the floor! Euow!  As to the moths....chomp away champ, I cant abide the awful things.  I mean really?  What purpose do they serve?

3 more sleeps til classes start, I am sooo excited!


  1. Great stuff Bea - where did you go for the Buddhist intro - went to a Buddhist group myself a few years ago but failed to keep up the meditation when on my own - felt so peaceful when with others xx

  2. On a weds eve 7:30 in colchester. If you want to come with me, just let me know. I truly have never felt so relaxe3d and at peace. Reccomend it to everyone, its amazing. xx

  3. oh boy, so relaxed I can't spell!!!! and me wanting to be an english teacher! whatever next??
